microplastic pollution

The Microplastic Pollution: Causes Effects and Can You Stop It?

  here is a myriad of studies showing that we live on a plastic planet and this affects everything from natural habitats to human health. While we are (or should be) aware that plastic pollution destroys entire environments, microplastic pollution is a less known phenomenon to the larger public. Many organizations, however, are taking important steps to prevent the damage humanity has already caused. Today we will take a closer look at the microplastic pollution concept, its causes, effects, and…

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How plastic pollution ends up in the oceans

Plastic can take centuries to break down, and instead of quietly disappearing beneath the waves, it has a way of coming back to haunt us. Almost 1 million shoes and over 370,000 toothbrushes were among more than 400 million pieces of plastic recently found washed up on a remote group of islands in the Indian Ocean. Great chunks of plastic have been found inside the stomachs of everything from seabirds to whales, while tiny microplastics are eaten by fish and…

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