Children of the Landfill

When The Mermaids Cry – THE CONSENSUS

THE CONSENSUS Undeniably a culture of behavioural changes, now in its infancy, need to further blossom and be implemented/prompted at all levels: individual, associative, governmental, legislative, industrial, technological, educational, philosophical, national, and international. It simply starts with individual choices. That is the enormous task, yet the enormous power as well because it resides within each and every one of us. Indeed, thanks to an increased awareness of the plastic pollution spread, local, national, individual, and associative actions have taken place…

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II: THE PATH TO SUCCESSFUL RESOLUTION This unprecedented plastic waste tide appears as vast as the ocean, as ungraspable as the unfathomable mass of microscopic plastic fragments present at sea, transported by winds and currents, yet, ultimately, the plastic tide can become as limited as our chosen relationship with plastics, which involves a dramatic behavioral change on our part. The path to successful resolution of the crisis clearly appears…as we are the problem and the solution. THE VICTIMS AND THE…

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Green Fire On The Blockchain

Green Fire On The Blockchain Green Fire has decided to change the world as you know it. We are moving together onto the blockchain. We have chosen “Green Fire Gold” (GFG) as the blockchain application name. GFG will be the first to take landfill mining and reclamation on to the blockchain. GFG is designed with next generation high load blockchain protocols, utilizing a blockchain design that improves functionality with each additional user, maximizing scalability and load performance. GFG includes your…

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VISION CARE ORPHAN HOME – A “Children of the Landfill” client

VISION CARE ORPHAN HOME – A “Children of the Landfill” client The Green Fire mission here is to enhance their already existing program.   Here is an overview of the conditions these orphanages address. At the beginning of the 21st Century the children of the world are facing an undeclared assault upon their childhood as they suffer as a result of poverty, sexual exploitation, abuse as well as becoming the innocent victims of wars and the HIV/AIDS epidemics.Ten years ago…

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Introducing Green Fire Engineered Reclamation

Green Fire Engineered Reclamation Green Fire is a passionate multi-disciplinary organization specializing in carefully engineered waste Remediation and Reclamation. A number of years ago our group came together with a focus on developing ways of economically resolving the global epidemic of health risks facing society from its mounting waste. The result is Green fire Engineered Reclamation. Green Fire Engineered Reclamation is an engineering company, made up of entrepreneurs, engineers, scientists and academic experts focused on the world's waste problem, initially…

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