Many members are receiving a virus in Skype. You will receive a link from someone in your contact list that will begin with http://www (dot), then a long string of characters and ending with your Skype username.
If you click on it, then everyone in your contact list will also receive it, appearing to be sent by you.
To remove it:
On the top menu click on Tools > Options > Advanced , then on the bottom click on the link
next to the API button "Manage other programs' access to Skype"
If there are programs listed that you have not added or authorized click on each one and then click on "Remove"
Since Skype runs on the Internet Explorer platform, open your Internet Explorer "IE" browser. On the top menu bar click on Tools > Internet Options > Privacy > Sites
type in then click on OK.
Then go to Security > Restricted sites > Sites > then type in , click on Add, then click on Close, and then on the Internet Options menu box click on OK to close it.
You should also be sure to clean the cache, history, temporary Internet files and then run a full system anti-virus scan and restart your computer.